Why will it be a good idea to use a wooden comb for your hair?

There is no doubt about the fact that wood is one of the best things that nature has given us. We can use wood in various ways, and one of them will be to make use of wooden combs. Individuals have been using these items for quite some time for enhancing the health and beauty of their hair. Let us look at some of the most notable advantages of using a wooden comb for hair.

1. Treats your hair gently

Similar to your hair and scalp, wooden combs happen to be carbon-based. They will be able to provide your hair with a glossy and smooth appearance since hair, as well as wood, can boast of having a negative electrical charge. Furthermore, it is not likely that wood will result in skin conditions or allergies unlike metal or plastic combs.

2. A healthy scalp

It will be possible to take care of your scalp with the help of a wooden comb. While brushing your hair using the comb, it will provide a proper massage to the scalp by pressing against it and triggering the acupuncture points. This will be extremely beneficial for hair since it will provide good blood circulation.

3. Provides nourishment to the hair

It is a fact that while using a wooden comb it will be possible to distribute the natural oils present in the scalp evenly across the tresses. The usage of the comb will aid in minimizing the possibilities of hair breakage as well as hair fall. Besides this, it will likewise help to make the hair healthier and shinier than before.

4. Prevents greasiness

On most occasions, the sebaceous glands present on our scalp are responsible for distributing natural oils unevenly. This results in the formation of a greasy scalp in the long run. Nevertheless, the oil will be distributed evenly across the scalp while you are using a wooden comb. This helps to make your hair less oily and greasy as compared to what might have happened after using a plastic or metallic comb.


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